Thursday, December 4, 2008
Anti Bratz
It was about a year ago the first time I ever heard about the Bratz dolls. A new friend mentioned how her daughter was into them and that they were real trashy with cut off tops, makeup, and short skirts. So I looked into them awhile later and was thoroughly angry that any toy maker was allowed to create these horrible dolls. In my mind they represent everything that is wrong with our culture in how females are represented. These dolls summarize every self esteem issue any one woman has had. They epitomize the distorted image of how our society feels ALL women both young, old and well infantiles should look. As a result, we have celebs and common folk alike starving themselves, pumping their lips and cheeks, botoxin', lipoin', and doing every trick in the book to look like not Barbie (which was bad to begin with) but a nasty loose little girl that looks like she is about to take Spitzer for some sort of ride. Have pedofiles taken over our children's dolls? What is wrong with people? And we wonder why Britney Spears is so hurt and lost? Society applauded her when she was young for having a rock hard body with big boobs and sang about sex. Then they cut her down when she became a wife and a mother. No wonder they refer to her now as a "comeback" today. Visually they are pleased with how she looks again like a Bratz doll. But what about her feelings inside? What about what led her to even marrying a guy like Kevin Federline? It all goes back to Barbie and the Bratz. We are taught to be sex symbols whose sole purpose is to excite men in a sexual manner and be their "fantasy baby girl". It's all a bunch of bs and that leads me to my silver lining. There are some in the entertainment biz who try to subtly counter this disease. As women we are fierce, strong and our motto is "just do it". So just do that. Don't give in to the pop culture crap that says you have to look like a skinny girl with big boobs and pouty lips. Be yourself, let others in, and reveal that a true woman is someone who could give a crap about stereotypes and define who they are themeselves. A person who surrounds themselves with people that appreciate them not worship them and are grounded. Then others will want to be like them instead of some stupid Bratz doll.
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